With demand increasing, Royal purchased 5¼ acres in Hartford, Connecticut, as the new site for its manufacturing facility. The Royal Standard was set apart from its competition by its 'flatbed' design. In March 1906 the first Royal typewriter, the Royal Standard, was sold. Ryan put up $220,000 in exchange for financial control.
Their machine had numerous innovations including a friction-free, ball-bearing, one-track rail to support the weight of the carriage, a new paper feed, a lighter and faster typebar action, and complete visibility of the words as they are typed. The next year, Hess and Myers turned to Thomas Fortune Ryan, to whom they demonstrated a prototype typewriter. Myers in January 1904 in a machine shop in Brooklyn, New York. The Royal Typewriter Company was founded by Edward B. ( December 2018) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. This section needs additional citations for verification.